Room for improvement, and car knowledge
Hey jackass(last guy) no pun intended, thats a ford probe, not a supra, and a Saleen s7 would smash that probe, im sure it will get over 200 km/h, it goes around 180 mph im sure.
Room for improvement, and car knowledge
Hey jackass(last guy) no pun intended, thats a ford probe, not a supra, and a Saleen s7 would smash that probe, im sure it will get over 200 km/h, it goes around 180 mph im sure.
Just so you know....
Just so you know, if you race a car and they are faster than you they will stay ahead of you and like wise if they are slower they will stay behind you. I'm tired of these people that need to learn what they are talking about, you probably drive a riceburner. P.S The music didnt help much lol.
I thought it was pretty cool.
I liked the idea but overall it was just not the best out there
Joined on 1/13/05